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Best drought-tolerant plants for Maryland landscaping


Updated: May 21, 2024

“Hot enough for ya??” Before the true heat of the summer sets in, many gardeners may find themselves wondering how much rainfall the hotter months will bring. Here in Maryland, some summers have been wetter than others, but there’s really no way to tell how much rainfall to expect - which proves difficult when trying to choose plants that will thrive. When you want to encourage gorgeous color in your garden all summer long, here are some tips for choosing plants that will withstand even the driest of summers.

When should I plant?

Fall and early spring are great planting times. Plants need a chance to get their roots established before the consistent 90-degree days, especially if your yard has full sun all day long. When selecting your plants, keep in mind that most every variety you choose will need at least a year to get their roots established before weathering the worst of our Maryland summers.

Have a peek at the leaves

The main source of water loss in a plant are the leaves. Sun, wind and other natural elements cause water to evaporate, so a plants’ roots are constantly working to pull moisture out of the soil to replenish the leaves. Drought-tolerant plants have adapted to help protect them against water loss. Some of these adaptations include smaller and fewer leaves (requiring less water) or plants with a coating of fuzz or a waxy layer.

Plants that beat the heat

Here are some of our favorite drought-tolerant plants that will withstand MD summers well:

Perennials – Daylillies, Black-eyed Susans (our state flower!), Coreopsis, Scabiosa.

Shrubs – Nandina, Indian Hawthorn, Spireas, Abelias, Bush clover.

If you’re still unsure about which types of drought-resistant plants will work best in your yard, you can count on the Rooted In Nature team to have the answers - contact the landscaping specialists at Rooted In Nature for more help at 443-846-0199 or


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