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Common Maryland spring garden weeds


Updated: Apr 30, 2024

As rising temperatures foreshadow the return of spring, dormant grass begins to awaken and we start to look forward to spending more time outside - both relaxing and tending to our yards. Unfortunately, just as the plants you’ve chosen and cultivated are stretching and yawning, so are the invasive weeds that threaten to crowd them out. After all, a weed is just a plant whose company you don’t enjoy. You may decide to tackle them on your own, but a lawn care company can be a big help.

Chickweed will grow anywhere, even on top of concrete and brick.

Here’s a quick overview of the weeds most likely to try to crash your garden party this spring if you reside in Maryland.


The most common weed in Maryland is also one of the most aggressive. Above ground, it can grow up to two feet in height. t’s on our list because it emerges in early spring, but it actually germinates a little earlier. That’s why, like most items on this list, it requires early intervention.


This flowering weed doesn’t look as threatening as it actually is. In just one year, a single plant can produce 800 seeds, far more than the number that could take over your lawn. Effective control requires killing its roots.

Annual Bluegrass

Contrary to its name, this perennial weed flowers in spring right alongside your grass, but it sneakily starts germinating as soon as temperatures fall below 70°F in the fall. It’s especially hard to get rid of in fescue lawns because that grass variety is also susceptible to the herbicides most effective against bluegrass.


Your best defense against weeds is a well-maintained, thick, healthy lawn and properly maintained garden beds with mulch. Weeds look for unoccupied ground, so you should minimize it by seeding bare spots and mulching around plants and trees.

Still have weeds? No problem - contact the landscaping specialists at Rooted In Nature for more help at 443-846-0199 or

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